Christy Turlington (American) - General Knowledge - Study Quiz #1

Q1) Christy Turlington birth name is __?__.

Q2) Name the city and country where Christy Turlington was born?

Q3) Christy Turlington 's date of birth is?

Q4) What is Christy Turlington 's height?

Q5) Christy Turlington is married to __?__.

Q6) In __?__, Christy Turlington was on of People Magazine's 50 Most Beautiful People.

Q7) Since 1987 Christy Turlington has been on the cover of nearly __?__ magazines.

Q8) Christy Turlington is an __?__ activist.

Q9) Christy Turlington is a __?__ enthusiast.

Q10) Christy Turlington was ranked #_?_ in Channel 5's "World's greatest supermodel".